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7 May

Expert Talk: Art on Paper

Tue 20:00 · Online · Webinar ·

In this online Expert Talk, you'll learn all about (collecting) artwork on paper in just 30 minutes. Expert Eva Sülzle (Project Manager at the Art on Paper art fair) shares her expertise on everything you need to know about this art form.

We'll delve deeper into various types of artwork on paper, from watercolor to pencil drawing, sharing tips on what to look for when purchasing a piece of artwork on paper and how to best preserve such works. Using specific examples - which you can view at the fair the following weekend - we'll take you on a journey through the world of art on paper. Afterward we open up the room for questions.

10 May

Artist Talks & Drinks: De Kring

Fri 18:00 · Amsterdam · Artist Talks & Meet-up ·

The Amsterdam-based artists' society De Kring boasts a storied reputation and has always played a pivotal role in the cultural scene of the city. Its legendary parties attracted writers, poets, painters, visual artists, scientists, actors and musicians alike, effectively De Kring into a living room for numerous well-known artists.

During our visit, we'll get a behind-the-scenes look and learn about a new intergenerational mentorship program that organised by the society. In ‘Kringplank', young artists are paired with established names. For this inaugural edition, Aysen Kaptanoglu will be mentored by Jacqueline de Jong, Emily Stevenhagen by Moritz Ebinger, and Tara Eva Kuijpers Wentink by Jeroen Henneman. This initiative presents a unique way to support young talent while simultaneously providing them with a platform.

Img. Ayşen Kaptanoğlu

11 May

Art Fair: Art on Paper Amsterdam

Sat 11:00 · Amsterdam · Kunstbeurs ·

This morning we meet at the iconic Gashouder to visit art fair Art on Paper Amsterdam. Here, over 50 galleries and 16 art dealers are showing works of art on, from or with paper.

Work on or with paper, be it pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, watercolor, gouache or collage, shows the artist in the most spontaneous and associative moment. The immediacy associated with this medium brings artist and viewer close together. Work on paper has a certain intimacy and vulnerability due to the immediacy and dynamics involved in the work and creative process. Art on or with paper not only has a special artistic character, but is often accessible in terms of size and price. Your entrance ticket for the fair is included in your visit, after registering for this event we will put your name on the guest list. At 11.00 we will meet in the entrance hall of the fair for a short welcome. Our tour guides will gladly show you around, but discovering the fair on your own is also possible of course.
17 May

Antwerp Art: Art Apero Morpho + Networking Borrel at Extra City

Fri 16:30 · Antwerp · Guided Tour & Drinks ·

In May, we will visit MORPHO in Antwerp, a non-profit organisation that supports artists in their artistic development by offering residencies and studios.

This provides artists with the time, space and resources they need to grow. During our visit, we will be guided by Caroline Dumalin, the Artistic Director, and Laurens Otto, who is responsible for residency and production. We’ll get the opportunity to see the studios of four artists: Ondřej Doskočil, Lou Cocody-Valentino, Astrid Vandercamere and Nassim Azarzar. After the tour, a special networking event will take place in the garden of Kunsthal Extra City, where even the most introverted can network with ease using our special networking cards. Feel free to bring a plus one to this event.

Please note: registration for this event is required and can be done via Eventbrite. The link is available on our community platform under the specific event. Feel free to bring a friend, just register them using the same link. Please note that any drinks during the networking event will be at your own expense.

17 May

Gallery Talk: Charlotte Dumas

Fri 18:00 · Amsterdam · Artist Talk ·

Join us for an exclusive artist talk with Dutch photographer Charlotte Dumas. After regular business hours andriesse - eyck gallery opens their doors for members of Young Collectors Circle for a inspiring talk by Charlotte Dumas, followed by drinks in her newest exhibition A Terra.

The exhibition includes two projects Dumas has been working on recently. Between 2006 and 2008 Dumas portrayed the stray dogs, randagi, of Palermo. Feeling drawn to their individual characters she photographed them in the old parts of town using Polaroid, digital and analogue film selecting just a small amount of portraits at the time. Looking at the vast amount of images anew in 2023 a repertoire of poses and gestures emerged. The emphasis shifted from the individual portrait to the movement in their postures and the dogs as a collective body.

Also on view is a work in progress focusing on Asian Elephants in the zoos of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Kyoto capturing the on half frame analogue film. This intimate, small-format series is part of a broader developing project on this subject that Dumas has been working on for some time.

Img. Charlotte Dumas

18 May

Antwerp Art: Cocktails & Guided Tour bij Ballroom Project

Sat 18:00 · Antwerp · Cocktails & Guided Tour ·

This month, we will also visit Ballroom Project at the stunning BorGerHub. This is not your typical art fair, but rather a meticulously curated exhibition based on submissions from participating galleries.

This approach creates an exciting coherence between the works on display. We will enjoy a special guided tour by the curator, who will delve into the overarching narrative of the exhibition. Before the guided tour, we will gather for a cocktail.

Tip: Additionally, you have the opportunity to join a gallery tour in Borgerhout in the afternoon, organised by Kunst in Huis. If interested, please send a private message to Emily Van Driessen (Program Manager Belgium) through our community platform.

18 May

Book Talk op Art Island

Sat 14:00 · IJmuiden · Het Grote Kunstkoopboek

Please note this event will be in Dutch. Click on 'more info' for information in Dutch.

Op kunstbeurs Art Island in IJmuiden geven Nadine van den Bosch en Nienke van der Wal - auteurs van Het Grote Kunstkoopboek - in een inkijkje achter de schermen van de kunstwereld en krijg je praktische tips en tricks over het kijken naar en kopen van kunst. Veel mensen denken dat je instinctief hoort te weten hoe je naar kunst moet kijken. Of dat je dat alleen kunt leren als je jarenlang kunst hebt bestudeerd aan de universiteit. Om over het kopen ervan nog maar te zwijgen. In de media lezen we vaak over uitschieters in de kunstmarkt: een nieuw ontdekte Rembrandt die miljoenen waard is en torenhoge veilingrecords die om de haverklap worden gebroken worden.

In deze talk maak je kennis met de mechanismes achter de kunstmarkt en leer je bruikbare kijk-technieken, waardoor jij je nooit meer hopeloos verloren voelt als je voor een ogenschijnlijk raadselachtig schilderij of sculptuur staat. Aan de hand van voorbeelden uit Het Grote Kunstkoopboek geven auteurs Nadine van den Bosch & Nienke van der Wal hun beste tips en tricks om alles uit je kunstervaring te halen. Na afloop is er een signeersessie.

Let op: je dient zelf een entreebewijs te kopen voor de beurs, dit kan via deze link:

25 May

Studio Visit: Abul Hisham

Sat 13:00 · Amsterdam · Studio Visit ·

This May, we will visit the studio of Abul Hisham. He moved from India to Amsterdam after being accepted into the prestigious residency program at the Rijksakademie (2021-2023). In 2022, he was nominated for the Royal Award for Modern Painting, and in the fall of 2023, he participated in the Rembrandt Open Studio program at the Rembrandthuis Museum, alongside Guy Vording.

Hisham: "My body of work explores the notions of desire, death and memory. These three points each have their own multi-layered profundity, and I’m interested in how they are intertwined with the social and cultural spaces in which I live – although I’m also concerned about the role of an artist as an observer in these spaces. The motivation for me is always evolving, from curiosities about socio-political cultural spaces to personal narratives, with cinema, pop culture, art history, mythology, and religion as reference points. And I enjoy the process of letting viewers decipher the many metaphors and symbols for themselves." Hisham is represented by Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke.

29 May

Opening: The Future is Equal

Wed 19:00 · Amsterdam · Party ·

Join us for the festive opening of our brand-new Young Collectors Circle exhibition at Capital C to kick-off Amsterdam Art Week!

Female artists earn less than their male counterparts. They are also less visible and less frequently purchased by museums, according to research conducted by the Boekman Foundation on behalf of the Niemeijer Fund. The conclusion is clear: more needs to be written about female artists, their work needs to be shown more frequently and systematically, and there needs to be a resurgence in purchasing artwork by women. Be part of the change and celebrate the opening of our all female exhibition ‘The Future is Equal’ at capital C. Participating artists are a.o. Sarah Mei Herman and Shani Leseman. Stay tuned for the full line-up of participating artists.

5 Jun

Studio Visit: Joana Schneider

Wed 19:00 · Amsterdam · Studio Visit ·

Deze avond zijn we uitgenodigd in het atelier van de Duitse kunstenaar Joana Schneider, die inmiddels alweer enige tijd in Nederland woont. Duurzaamheid staat centraal in haar intuïtieve praktijk. Schneider werkt voornamelijk met gerecyclede materialen, waaronder bijvoorbeeld garen van ruw visserstouw.

Ze probeert haar ecologische voetafdruk daarbij zo klein mogelijk te houden en houdt ook rekening met het transport van haar vaak grootschalige installaties. Het werk van Schneider straalt een diepe waardering uit voor klassieke ambacht en creativiteit. Indirect speelt ze ook met gendernormen, onder meer door zogenaamd “vrouwelijke” materialen (textiel) te combineren met fysiek zware zogenaamd “mannelijke” ambachten. Schneider experimenteert daarnaast al jaren met het gebruik van speciale machines. Haar werk was onder meer te zien op internationale kunstbeurzen en in het Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam en Stedelijk Museum Schiedam. De kunstenaar wordt vertegenwoordigd door Rademakers Gallery.

Img. Joana Schneider, Vanilla Garden (detail)

16 Jun

Soon Gallery & Collection Visit

Sun 15:00 · Antwerp · Guided Tour & Collection Visit ·

In June, we will visit a unique duplex in which the private and gallery space of one of our members converges.

Doris Vanistendael and her partner Bram Van Cauter, an architect, reside in a stunning apartment in Antwerp. This apartment is housed in a brutalist building that was designed by Léon Stynen and Paul De Meyer, with the living area remodeled by Van Cauter. The apartment offers a stunning view of the city. Doris and Bram consider it a challenge to collect art on a modest budget. Nonetheless, their collection is already quite impressive, featuring works by Luis Xertu, Beni Bischof, Charline Tyberghein, Tuukka Tammisaari, Adelheid De Witte, Bieke Buckinx, Ellen Pil, Middernacht & Alexander, Ritsart Gobyn and Stéphanie Baechler.

Additionally, we will visit the ongoing exhibition at Soon Gallery, located within the same building. This exhibition showcases the work of young Antwerp-based artist Flo Bastiaensen, whose paintings are inspired by the banality of everyday life in all its complexity. The surrounding architecture in which the work is presented is also noteworthy: the duplex that houses the gallery dates back to 1972 and remains completely in its original state.

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