26 Mar  
Response-able Re-membering
With: Jay Tan, Alberto García del Castillo, Vava Dudu, and Bishakh Som

13:00–17:00 PM
Live-broadcast from Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam @studiumgenerale.rietveldacademie.nl
*Taking measures and regulations into account, no seats are available for this public program :(


Image from Apsara Engine (2020), Bishakh Som's debut work of fiction, published by Feminised Press
The hyphenation to shift the stress of response-able in The Faggots & Their Friends...* was a big deal for me. This afternoon is linked to a reading group where we’ve been looking at various texts, pictures, and drawings as bodily extensions that shift the stresses. Writers and artists that take familiar architectures, (arbitrary) rules, garments, and objects to demonstrate how malleable and expansive our surroundings already are. Making astute social observations, framing beauty, and re-claiming histories, so we re-member (all the parts of) ourselves. Let’s cite historic resource controls and exploitations as amongst the reasons why we would need to write and make pictures to re-member. Economic pushes, educational pulls. Oceans, lies, thefts, and then to top it all off being gawped at. The load redistributes and the aunties and our other families laugh so much, and slap our backs, and push us back out there into more stories. Noisy recipes full of those unspeakable things, teary squishy embraces, jewellery, and fabrics. We re-member how (many) we are and how (many) we have been.

Please join us in welcoming Alberto García del Castillo, Vava Dudu, and Bishakh Som to share their thoughts, pictures, and work.

* The Faggots & Their Friends Between Revolutions is a 1977 ‘fairytale-cum-manifesto’ (Jennifer Krasinski) written by Larry Mitchell, with illustrations by Ned Asta. The 2019 reissue features a preface by Tourmaline in which she describes how resonant the passage about being response-able was for her.
Jay Tan was born in London and watched a lot of TV growing up. They moved to the Netherlands in 2008, completed the MFA at the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam in 2010 and were a 2014/15 resident at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam. Based in Rotterdam, they make sculptures and installations, sometimes with video, sound, or other moving parts, often with a focus on domestic mechanics and decoration, and currently teach at the Masters of Artistic Research programme at Royal Academy of Art, The Hague and in the Fine Arts Deparment at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.

Resilient Bodies
Strategies and Practices for Fluid Embodiments

Studium Generale Rietveld Academie
Frederik Roeskestraat 96, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
1076 ED Netherlands