A publication dedicated to 50+ experimental typefaces made by students and alumni of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie.


When: Thursday 28 April 2022, 19:00-22:00 (doors open: 19:00)

Where: Fanfare, Da Costakade 154 Amsterdam


The publication Silly Amateur Don't Cry serves as a time capsule that puts a spotlight on over 50 experimental typefaces made by students and alumni of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and includes interviews with former students – Jens Schildt, Matthias Kreuzer, Gaile Prackunaite and Johannes Breyer – about typedesign and amateurism.


Edited and initiated by

William Becker and Łukasz Matuszewski, Graphic Design Department, Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Willem Sjoerd van Vliet, Public & Projects, Gerrit Rietveld Academie

With the help of Miquel Hervás Gómez of Fanfare

pre-order the book: shop.rietveldacademie.nl